Wednesday, October 5, 2011

saving money, kind of!

so, it turned out that bloomingdales was having their friends and family sale which means pretty much everything is 20% off. i ended up ordering the same items online with free shipping and then returned the stuff to saks. the savings was significant enough to go through the trouble. also, i ended up returning those ag jeans i bought a while ago from anthropologie because i never got around to wearing them and also because although they are a flattering high waisted style, they basically pushed up my flat tire and created a really high unattractive muffin top.

while i was saks, i tried on this marc by marc jacobs top. i really loved the top and was about to buy it until i saw the price tag. a whopping $278. for a shirt. no thanks. luckily, i did find it on for 30% off and got it there... i wouldn't wear it with the neck all tied up like that, but the sleeves are really adorable.


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